* 12月12日と13日の記念祝賀会:ラエルと地球外文明を営む人類との歴史的な出会いを祝うとともに、ラエルとラエリアン・ムーブメントが社会に向けて果たしてきた数多くの功績を称えることにフォーカスします。
* ラエルによる啓発的な教え:ハピネス・アカデミーでは、5日間にわたって洞察に満ちた講演や意見交換が行われます。これらのディスカッションでは、科学、精神性、人類の未来、そしてさらに重要な「幸福」を含む、様々なトピックが取り上げられる予定です。わずか2年前、日本では、自殺による死亡者数がウイルス感染による死亡者数を上回り、WHOは「うつ病と精神疾患によるパンデミック」を発表しましたが、現代社会におけるハピネス・アカデミーの重要な役割として、こうした話題が焦点となるでしょう。
非営利国際ボランティア 日本ラエリアン・ムーブメント
広報担当 桑原 元博(くわはら もとひろ)
〈広報公式サイト〉 www.ja.raelpress.org
TEL : 0479-75-8030 FAX : 0479-74-8007
e-mail : jrm_press©yahoo.co.jp
Raelians to Celebrate 50th Anniversary of Historic Encounter in Okinawa
Okinawa, Japan December 7, 2023 — The Raelian Movement is thrilled to announce the commemoration of a historic milestone — the "50th Anniversary of the First Encounter,” scheduled to take place from December 10 to 16 in Okinawa, Japan. This celebration marks the 50th year since Rael — founder and spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement — had his first encounter with an extraterrestrial being, representative of the civilization that created all forms of life on Earth.
The event is set to occur at the Bankoku Shinryokan Summit Hall, located in Okinawa, Japan, anticipating a global convergence of Raelians, united by their shared commitment to peace, love, and harmony, and welcoming those who created us.
Event Highlights Include:
* Commemorative Celebrations on December 12 and 13: These days will focus on celebrating the historic meeting between Rael and an extraterrestrial human being, alongside Rael’s and the Raelian Movement’s numerous contributions to society.
* Enlightening Lectures by Rael: The event will feature insightful lectures and dialogues over five days at the Happiness Academy. These discussions will cover various topics, including science, spirituality, the future of humanity, and more importantly, happiness. Only two years ago, Japan counted more deaths by suicide than by viral infection, and the WHO announced a “pandemic of depression and mental diseases.” The critical role of Happiness Academies in today’s society will be a focal point of these talks.
In a recent statement, Rael highlighted the indispensable role of happiness in ensuring humanity's survival, emphasizing that love can only flourish among happy individuals who propagate happiness. He stressed the importance of focusing on happiness, especially in times of widespread suffering, declaring: “When we are unhappy, we can become aggressive, and from aggression to violence, there is but one step. The more unhappy we are, the more we are going to become aggressive and therefore violent. The destruction of humanity can only be caused by unhappy people, just like the Palestinian genocide.”
He added, “To participate in the Happiness Academies isn’t selfish. It is important to focus on happiness when so many people are suffering as it is precisely to stop this suffering that we MUST spread and develop happiness. Happiness is the only solution to save Humanity because it brings Love.”
Event Details
Date: December 10-16, 2023
Location: Bankoku Shinryokan Summit Hall, Okinawa, Japan
Website: https://www.rael.org/events/50th-anniversary-happiness-academy/
About the Raelian Movement
The Raelian Movement is an international, non-profit organization that fosters world peace, defends human rights, and advances science and technology. Founded by Rael in 1974, the movement is renowned for its philosophy of promoting the well-being and happiness of all through peaceful endeavors. Its ultimate goal is to build an Embassy to welcome the extraterrestrial civilization that is at the root of our own.
About the Raelian Movement rael.org et press.rael.org
The Raelian Movement is the largest non-profit atheist organization in the world, which relates how life on earth was created by an extra-terrestrial civilization, known in the original Bible as Elohim, through the synthesis of DNA.
It brings together 100,000 members from 120 countries who actively publicize the message these extra-terrestrial scientists gave to Rael, with the goal of building an embassy to welcome them officially and propagate their values of peace and non violence. The Raelian Movement is making waves through its non-conformist and politically incorrect philosophy.
For any interviews or information:
Japanese Raelian Movement
Public relations Section: Motohiro Kuwabara
TEL : 0479-75-8030
FAX : 0479-74-8007
e-mail : jrm_press©yahoo.co.jp